New Music Monday 8/18: Word of Mouth

3:03:00 PM

Back at it with your "New Music Monday" fix! After giving you over two hours of heavy hitting, bass thumping, summer vibes with the Hello August playlist, I wanted to mellow you out with something you can groove to. This weeks playlist is mostly curated of songs suggested by "word of mouth".

The older I get, the more I realize that I'm no good with small talk and conversation fillers. There is one universal subject that I use to help break any type of ice, and that gem is MUSIC. I may fumble over my words asking "What do you like to do for fun?", or even draw a blank when you tell me you go to college & I forget to ask "What are you studying?" With music, I pull up the "notes" in my phone, hand it you, and ask for you to "put me on".

I won't go so far as to say that music makes the person, but I can say it's a great way to get a glimpse into the different worlds we let ourselves get lost in. As for me, the excitement of discovering new artists and melodic mix-ups, far surpasses the discomfort of breaking the ice. So, if you're ever at a lost for a conversation piece, start asking about music & be open to what you receive.

Thank you to everyone who contributed their amazing suggestions!
Until next time.


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